
Link2Europe introduces:
Global Recruitment & Selection

We don't want to keep pounding the same nail forever, but the War for Talent continues inexorably. From a study from HR & payroll services provider SD Worx once again reveals that 7 in 10 Belgian employers are not finding suitable profiles to fill their open vacancies. The potential candidates simply do not have the right skills. And then the question arises: do you invest time and resources to teach the candidate these skills yourself, or, do you expand the search and look across the country's borders for international talent?

As a staffing agency, Link2Europe has been the ideal partner for filling vacancies for bottleneck occupations for more than 15 years. So we already have considerable expertise in making the impossible possible. Due to the changing recruitment landscape, in which more and more Belgian companies and SMEs are also failing to fill vacancies for higher profiles, we are now also adding Global Recruitment & Selection added to our portfolio. Our existing customers had been asking for some time and with this service we can now provide them with the necessary manpower for open-ended contracts. So how does that work? We are happy to explain!

Global Recruitment & Selection: what is it?

Engineers, IT profiles and other higher tech profiles... For some time now, these have been highly sought-after profiles, but it is only in recent years that their vacancies have really started to become critical, be it because the candidates do not have the necessary skills, because they are too inexperienced or because no candidate even applies. When companies have to turn away new clients because they can no longer find suitable employees, we are long past the alarm stage.

With the recruitment and selection of international talent, we offer a solution to this problem. You simply catch more fish if your pond is bigger. We will search abroad for you for committed, motivated and experienced candidates and match them with your vacancy(s).

Extra work for your HR department I hear you thinking? Certainly not, because we at Link2Europe take care of the administrative hassle and the initial selections. Recruiting outside Europe? That's no problem either, because then we also provide the Single Permit.

Recruitment & Selection across national borders: what are the advantages?

International talent brings security:

  • Certainty that you can continue to expand your activities.
  • Assurance that the work force has the right training and expertise.
  • And a higher certainty that he/she will stay, because your new talent might move more than 1,200 km specifically for this job.

And with the rise of the job-hopping generation, security is more important than ever.

At Link2Europe, even after the international talent starts working for you, we remain available for all their questions and/or problems. For example, our team provides housing during their first 3 months, helps them fill out all the necessary documents and guides them to a permanent place to live afterwards. Through Link2Europe, they also come into contact with other people in the same situation and, thanks to this safety net, they can fully focus on good and fast integration.

And the drawbacks?

The first question we get from all our clients is, "What about the language?" And we admit that, your new employee will not speak Dutch. However, the candidates we select for international recruitment & selection all have a higher education and also a very Good English or French knowledge. Language is only a barrier if you experience it that way yourself. For example, the working language on various construction sites (precisely because of the large influx of foreign profiles) has long been English, in the IT world English terminology is standard and because of the internationalization of our education and the globalization of our companies, Belgians speak English as the official 2nd language of the country at a faster rate.

But that is not to say that we are not committed to language. Through our own educational app we already offer a Dutch introduction. We can also put you in touch with our partners for possible on-the-job language lessons. The choice is yours: embrace English with your entire organization...or keep fishing in the empty Belgian talent pool.

International recruiting also comes at a price. We can't deny that. But turning down clients and projects because the manpower is not available is pernicious for a company's growth. Link2Europe's Global Recruitment & Selection is therefore the most sustainable solution for your future plans. If you want to be completely ready for what the future may bring, then in addition to the recruitment of new (international) talent, you must also provide a foundation of training and pathways. Because, of course, you also have to support your new talent to keep them with you.

Global Recruitment & Selection with Link2Europe

Natascha Nagels is your contact at Link2Europe for the recruitment of experienced international talent. Contact her for an appointment, free of charge, to go over your current situation. What are your vacancies, and how many do you have open? How long have you been searching, where have you been looking and what are the things you keep running into? Once she has all the info, Link2Europe gets to work.

The roadmap of international recruiting

  1. Contact Natascha to schedule a no-obligation appointment.
  2. Natascha will visit and gather as much visual material as possible to positively present your company abroad. We want to give the best picture of your organization from a distance.
  3. Through local partners, we place ads in different countries and separate the wheat from the chaff through interviews and resumes.
  4. Only those candidates who pass a positive interview with Link2Europe will be presented to you.
  5. The next steps are completely up to you. Do you want a competency test? Interviews with HR, department head or technical trial before you make your choice? With our expertise, it is all possible and we are happy to help you with the necessary set-up.
  6. After your selection of the candidate, we take care of the administrative and logistics, and the necessary visa or permit.
  7. From now on you can enjoy your new employee. We will of course remain available for questions if you have any.

Contact Natascha and get started with Link2Europe Recruitment & Selection

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